Basic of Particle Physics & Higgs Boson

Basic of Particle Physics & Higgs Boson

More than 2000 years we believe that the fundamental part of all the matter is the atom. Atom consist of Protons, Neutrons which made nucleus and electron orbiting around it.

But according to the quantum mechanics even proton and neutrons can be breakable i.e. it is not fundamental particles. QM suggests that Proton and neutrons are made up of Quarks.Electron is fundamental particles and its one type of leptons.

And according to the string theory all the point like particle i.e. quarks, leptons (see fundamental particles) are made up of tiny vibrating strings. These strings vibrates at different frequency makes different particles. Imagine playing guitar and vibrating the strings.

What is Particle?

infact all the particles is the excitation in the field i.e. when the EM field is "excited," meaning its energy is flared up in a certain spot, that flare-up is, itself, a photon.

Recently discovered Higgs Boson (named after Physicist Peter Higgs) particle is also the excitation in the Higgs Field. infact we cannot see the higgs boson we actually excite the Higgs field by colliding the two protons (fancy name Hadrons) in LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at the speed of light and which generates enough energy to excite the Higgs field.

Higgs Boson is the important discovery without it every particle moves at the speed of light so no molecules,no atom,no stars,no planets,no galaxy even the no universe exist.because of the Higgs field the particle gets its mass.the particle which interacts more with the field is heavier than that which interacts less.photon doesn't interact with the field at all so it is mass less.

top quark interact more with field that's why its is heavy particle.(see below)
Standard Model of Particle

to be continued...